
Usia 14 s.d 21 Tahun

Metode Private /Group

Online /Tatap Muka *

12 Pertemuan @60 menit

Garansi Bisa*

Lesson Description level 1

  1. Describing Place and Picture
  2. Direction
  3. Compliment
  4. Invitation
  5. Expressing Opinion

Lesson Description level 2

  1. Getting to Know Each Other
  2. Telling Story
  3. Explaining Logo
  4. Retelling and Discussion
  5. Making Suggestion

Lesson Description level 3

  1. Describing Place and Picture
  2. Direction
  3. Compliment
  4. Invitation
  5. Expressing Opinion


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Private : Rp.750.000 / Bulan

Group Class : Rp.325.000 / Bulan