
Usia 5 s.d 12 Tahun

Metode Private /Group

Online /Tatap Muka *

12 Pertemuan @90 menit

Garansi Bisa*


  1. Introduce oneself, asking and telling names
  2. Counting and writing numbers
  3. Recognize color
  4. Answer simple yes/no questions
  5. Talking about animals
  6. Using common verbs: look, listen, smile, draw
  7. Identify clothes in the cupboard
  8. Recognize animals and their parts of body
  9. Human parts of body
  10. Using verbs of senses
  11. New vocabularies about things around the places
  12. Talking about families
  13. Size; big and small
  14. Express feeling happy or sad with simple sentences
  15. Favourite fruit
  16. Foods and drink in the menu
  17. Favourite food


  1. Recognize picture and identify action verbs
  2. Describe and identify appearance
  3. Adjectives and vocabulary to describe appearance
  4. Habitats of animals
  5. Identify likes and dislikes
  6. At the farm, zoo, house yard
  7. Write simple sentences
  8. Things around towns and direction
  9. Things we eat and drink, groceries and supplies
  10. Things in the birthday party
  11. Identify differences between things
  12. Vocabulary about parts of house
  13. Things in the bag, classroom and schools
  14. On the beach, park
  15. Talking about hobbies
  16. Night and day
  17. Travel by trains boat and planes


  1. Recognize sports and verbs of doing sports
  2. Talking about hobbies
  3. Talking about music, types of music, music instruments
  4. Adjective to describe temperature
  5. Famous places
  6. Occupations things at the hospitals
  7. Traveling, texting and phoning
  8. Talking about holidays
  9. Communicate in familiar situations
  10. Understand and use basic phrases and expressions
  11. Practice speaking and conversation using English slowly and clearly
  12. Understand basic instructions or take part in simple conversations
  13. Understand basic notices, instructions or information
  14. Complete basic forms and write notes, including times, dates and places


Calon siswa wajib mengikuti Ujian Penyesuaian (Placement Test) untuk menentukan level mana yang paling sesuai dengan kebutuhannya


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